Implementing Molecular ID to Improve Sample Tracking & Quality Assessment in Your Lab | IUGB

The importance of sample tracking and quality assessment

Sample identity and the integrity of genomic data are critical for execution of superior research. Particularly with complex multiphase studies, aliquots from a single specimen may be shared among researchers within a laboratory or with external collaborators and service providers. From high-throughput genomics centers to biorepositories or centralized cell line banks, ensuring accurate sample tracking and quality from acquisition through data reporting is a universally recognized priority.

Implementing a standard genotyping workflow to confirm the identity and quality of each sample before analysis represents an ideal solution to maximize the integrity of study results.

Implementing Molecular Identification to Improve Sample Tracking and Quality Assessment in Your Lab by Tae-Hwi Schwantes-An and Kelly Nudelman from the Department of Medical and Molecular Genetics at the Indiana University School of Medicine.
